Is today your day? It is April 27th National Babe Ruth Day, National Tell a Story Day, National Prime Rib Day, National Devil Dog Day ,, National Rebuilding Day, National Sense of Smell Day, National Pool Opening Day, and National Kiss of Hope Day.


9 Answers

Ancient One Profile
Ancient One answered

All good I'm in. Especially for "National Devil Dog Day". When I was a kid they cost three cents. Parents of course did not like  the name. We would each them just before "after lunch" recess was over. We would "store", pack a large bite of it on the roof of our mouths so we would have an afternoon snack. Gross I know, but kids will be kids.

Skip  Gentry Profile
Skip Gentry answered

I’m in. Except I don’t know what National Devil Dog Day is. Can someone explain?

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Tom  Jackson
Tom Jackson commented
There's a picture of them on that link. I don't recall ever seeing them in the store.
Skip  Gentry
Skip Gentry commented
I googled them. I don’t think I’ve seen them in the stores around here.
Ancient One
Ancient One commented
Chocolate cake shaped like a "hot dog" sliced down the middle horizontally and fill with white cream. yummmmmmmmmmm
Willie B. good Profile
Willie B. good answered

Heck yeah I'm in if it involves prime rib. :)

Yin And Yang Profile
Yin And Yang answered

It sounds like a good day to me. Except for I will use the Prime Rib for a gimmick.... Free Prime Rib with every story puchased of mine! 😅 (I almost have enough squirreled away for a book cover designer!!! 😊)

P.s.... And I promise it will not be cooked by ME! 😅😅😅😅

Dances With  Wolves Profile

I support this day in Memory Of Babe Ruth. I like this day cause it's National Prime Rib Day and National Devil Dogs i believe they can be found at local store about 17 miles from me. So this is my day you can count me in.

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