If you're currently trying to get a loan some lenders may not give you credit if you aren't on the electoral roll. So if you want to get a better credit rating you had better get registered as soon as possible. Some companies specialise in giving loans to people with bad credit.
In order to get on the electoral roll you must register. You can register online on the Government's site. You can also pick up a electoral registration form at your local council office.
If you're currently trying to get a loan some lenders may not give you credit if you aren't on the electoral roll. So if you want to get a better credit rating you had better get registered as soon as possible. Some companies specialise in giving loans to people with bad credit.
If you're currently trying to get a loan some lenders may not give you credit if you aren't on the electoral roll. So if you want to get a better credit rating you had better get registered as soon as possible. Some companies specialise in giving loans to people with bad credit.
My name is mark timothy lawrence walker.I am trying to let a house but my credit is bad because I am not on the voting register
We have an I.V.A. But want to know how to get on the voting register as people tell me its better to be on it.
To be eligible to vote in an election or a referendum, you have to be in the electoral roll. If you have queries on whether you are qualified, you need to contact your Electoral Registration Officer, and you can find their details by entering your postal code in Your Vote Matters. If you are in England, Scotland or Wales, you can register at gov.uk/register-to-vote. In England and Wales, you have to be 17 years old to register, but you can only vote once you hit the age of 18. In Scotland, however, you can register you are aged 15, but you can only vote in local elections at the age of 16 and UK elections at the age of 18.