
What Is The Function Of Security Council?


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The function of the Security Council is to keep peace at the international level. It is composed of 15 members out which five are permanent these five members are America, Russia, Britain, France, and China. They have been given vote power it means even if all the members give unanimous opinion on any issue, anyone of these permanent can vote or reject it. Non- permanent voters are elected after every two years its meeting can be called at any time.

All those issues are submitted to the Council that threatens the world peace. The Security Council tries to desist the countries from war but if the aggressor does not agree, it can impose economic sanctions against it and can even recommend military action against the aggressor.

Economic and social council is composed of 27 members who remain in the office for a term of three years. It meets twice in a year. It studies economic, educational and industrial matters on the international level and prepares reports on the same. It looks after the basic human rights and arranges international conferences, seminars and makes its recommendations.
Written by om prakash mishra, of bjem school of class9.

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