From a previous post:
It is generally accepted that the radio was invented by Guglielmo Marconi. He transmitted Morse code across the Atlantic. Others including, Oliver Lodge, Alexander Popov and Nikola Tesla are sometime given credit. Probably because they might have sent wireless messages before Marconi received his patent.
The question is a little vague, but if you want to save a picture that you have on the screen there are a few options:
The first one will work no matter how the picture is displayed. With the picture on the screen hold down the Ctrl/Shift/PrtScn keys together. This will copy the screen. … Read more
If your TV has a 15-pin d-sub input it is ready to display computer output. You would need a 15-pin to 15-pin cable however.
If not you can use a VGA to composite converter. As others have said, the VGA output is usually at a much higher resolution than a normal NTSC TV can display so … Read more
Just a guess but you might have accidentally enabled Picture in Picture. If there is no device on the secondary input you might see a blue screen. If the secondary input is the TV tuner and the primary is cable then you might be receiving a very week station from the tuner accounting for the … Read more
That is easy Charlie Brown. 

As I under stand you want to call function from function b but not use the normal a() method to call. Correct?
Well you could call using a pointer to the function. I do not have access to a compiler here but the code would look something like this:
static void a(char message);
void (*ptr2a)(char) = a;
static void … Read more
Well you could call using a pointer to the function. I do not have access to a compiler here but the code would look something like this:
static void a(char message);
void (*ptr2a)(char) = a;
static void … Read more
It has been a long time since I have seen that message but it used to follow a message that said "Keyboard not found". Maybe your keyboard is bad, or if wireless the battery is dead or just disconnected..
// Test to see if a string is a palindrome
#include \\\"stdafx.h\\\"
void test(char message[]);
int Palindrome(char message[]);
void main( )
char message1[] = "able was I ere I saw elba";
char message2[] = "this is a toyota";
char message3[] = "a toyota";
test(message3);\\ return;
void test(char message[])
printf("%s ",message);
if (Palindrome(message)) //Send pointer to message
printf("is a palindromen");
printf("is not a palindromen");
int Palindrome(char message[])
// … Read more
#include \\\"stdafx.h\\\"
void test(char message[]);
int Palindrome(char message[]);
void main( )
char message1[] = "able was I ere I saw elba";
char message2[] = "this is a toyota";
char message3[] = "a toyota";
test(message3);\\ return;
void test(char message[])
printf("%s ",message);
if (Palindrome(message)) //Send pointer to message
printf("is a palindromen");
printf("is not a palindromen");
int Palindrome(char message[])
// … Read more
From an earlier post:
On Windows, I have used DVD43. It runs in the background and bypasses copy protection on the fly.
---} Click here to read about DVD43. Its free. {---
---} Click here to read about DVD43. Its free. {---
Mooli or daikon is a mild Japanese white radish. It is eaten raw just like american radishes and is also cooked in soups and stews. Sometimes it is used as a tenderizer. When cooked with octopus and squid it is suppose to make them less chewy.
Don't be fooled by its carrot looks. It is really … Read more
Don't be fooled by its carrot looks. It is really … Read more
If Dom Perignon 1996 about $225.00us PER 750ML BOTTLE
If Dom Perignon Vintage Rose 1996 about $400.00US per 750ml bottle.
You can put it on any device you have with Pinnacle video transfer.
---} Watch this video {---
Sumerians were great sailors. Discoveries of goods from far-away locations; goods such as obsidian from Anatolia, lapis lazuli from northeastern Afghanistan, beads from Bahrain suggest a remarkably wide-ranging trade business centered around the Persian Gulf.
The Epic of Gilgamesh, the original Noah story, refers to trade for goods such as wood that were scarce in Mesopotamia. In particular, … Read more
The Epic of Gilgamesh, the original Noah story, refers to trade for goods such as wood that were scarce in Mesopotamia. In particular, … Read more
Okra is a beautiful plant with blooms ranging from white through yellow to almost green. The flower resembles hollyhock or hibiscus. I like it in gumbo and fried. To find out food values, recipes and history visit:
---} This is a great okra site {---
--- } For some gumbo recipes try … Read more
---} This is a great okra site {---
--- } For some gumbo recipes try … Read more
Probably because their parents had better sense than let some butcher slice off their foreskin.
I believe that Senator McCain was born in 1936 at the Coco Solo Naval Air Station a United States military base in the Panama Canal Zone. In a 1903 treaty, Panama granted the the Panama Canal Zone to the U.S. It was returned to Panamanian control in 1999. So McCain was born in the US not Panama.
While Senator … Read more
While Senator … Read more
Known to the cowboys as loco-weed.
Literally a valley but usually refers to a desert stream that has water when it rains. The rest of the time it is just a dry creek bed.
I think it is mostly up to your lending institution. They might be happy to add an additional individual of responsibility to the mortgage but not so happy to remove you.
That said you might have an assumable mortgage. That is a mortgage where a buyer of your property can assume the remainder of your … Read more
Ebony is a tree that grows in India and Sri Lanka. The heart wood from this tree is nearly black and has been used for making fine furniture for as long as furniture has been made. It is so dense that it does not make very good boats. It will sink in water.