France and England have been fighting with each other for most of recorded western history. When England committed to putting down the revolution in the colonies France knew that supporting the colonies would hurt England without risking French lives. It isn't so much that France cared about the colonies, it was simply an opportunity to strike at England.
France, I learned about it in 8th grade U.S. History
The most supportive nation which aided the American Colony's effort to break away from it's status as a British controlled territory. It was of course France, especially after the Americans won the field at the Battle of Saratoga, October 1777.
With war, there are declared and undeclared Allies; who have their own interests to protect. Yes France helped, so did the 'Native Americans, and probably 'The Dutch'.
The country that helped the American Colonies during the Revolutionary War was France.
I guess france is right answer
Haiti, and there is a monument in Savannah Georgia commemorating that contribution.
The answer of course is England. Without the poor leadership, often questionable generalship, incredible arrogance and condescending attitude of England, there would have been no hope for American independence.
Oh... France helped a bit too. I think they provided catering.
Oh... France helped a bit too. I think they provided catering.