
How Can I Write 80th Birthday Invitation Verse?


3 Answers

Yun Wan Profile
Yun Wan answered
This depends on the effect that you are trying to achieve - are you aiming for a humorous tone or something simple and straight to the point? Personally, I think something uplifting and jolly will set the tone for the party and suit the occasion of celebrating 80 years of life.
Play around with wording on the invitation and be as creative as you like while keeping it short and simple e.g. 'Come and celebrate dear George's mighty 80!' Including a personal note or a short story reflecting your life is also another option so put your thinking cap on! Turning 80 is a big cause for celebration and should be properly marked, so decide whether or not to have invitations printed out on expensive paper or handwritten by a professional calligrapher.
If you want to do the latter, make sure the writing is not going to be too fancy and too difficult to read. Remember to include other important details on the invitation such as a time, date, location, RSVP phone number and/or email and dress requirements (if there is one). Another thing to let your guests know is whether they need to pay for anything, like food and drinks, so they are prepared to do so on the day.
Plan ahead and send out invitations eight to 12 weeks before the event incase some people can't make the date or time set. Finally, have you considered getting a family member or family friend to help you organize the celebrations? You should sit back, relax and wait for the big day while someone prepares and organizes the event. It won't hurt to ask!
Aisha Profile
Aisha answered
80th Birthday is a really special occasion for a person. You are definitely right in making it a memorable event for your dad and your family. Here is a link from where you can find plenty of wordings and verses for invitations for his birthday
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
My Mum is 85 in June and we are giving her a party. What would you suggest the wording on the invitation be. We need help. Thank you

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