Hi Nassy! This is a great question - really makes one think.
I would hope that some of those who knew me for any of my 48 years (including those few who wronged me for reasons they saw fit at the time) would find it in their hearts to say I was a nice, loving person, that I was always helpful, a true friend, loyal, that I always went out of my way for others and that I always found it more acceptable to put others before myself. Oh yes, and let's not forget the
B-I-G one, that it is very easy for me to be VERY trying at any given time! ROFL!
Admittedly, these "faults" of mine always shine through only because of the way I was raised by my Dad and Grandma, God love them and continue to bless their souls!
I hope this makes sense Nassy; maybe it's obvious that I've had to think about this once or twice before after being taken advantage of by a girlfriend or two, or the same girlfriend twice, for reasons that occurred more than 30 years ago and that still don't make a lick of sense to me. Eh, such is life. It is what it is, we need only make the best of it and find it in our heart to forgive those who have wronged us.
Blessings for a happy and healthy Thanksgiving sweetie!!