
Should We Support A President That Wishes To Restructure And Reform The USA So That Capitalism And Individual Liberty Are Not Its Foundation?


9 Answers

james steving Profile
james steving answered
We shouldn't but I see Americans as horses pulling the carts of their Amish owners....the blinders are on and its full straight ahead... Learn the Chinese may come in very useful soon!
thanked the writer.
Rena Chisholm
Rena Chisholm commented
I totally agree with you here. Just had this conversation with my husband a couple days ago. Looks like China is going to own the US before it's over.
Anonymous commented
A friend told me that, too. At least, they will put their hard earned money to invest in this country unlike others who come here to earn money, avail of welfare assistance, increase our population and do not contribute their money. They just want to take.
Jim Witness Protection Profile
We have not yet added the title of King to the already ordained Obama the Messiah. He may think he is both, but he is neither. And while he speaks like a well polished " holier than thou " on the southern Bible thumping circuit, most of us recognize him as the used car salesman that lurks under that disguise. What support he has will dwindle as more people realize that his speeches are hot air just waiting for the balloon to burst. And burst it will.
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
I like your comment. It has been difficult to keep quiet at work about my political views. I am so happy to read what you wrote.
Anonymous commented
Couldn't have said it better myself Jim~
Rena Chisholm Profile
Rena Chisholm answered
As for me, I will NEVER support him and wish that others wouldn't either.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered We should not support him. As a matter of fact, I think Rush Limbaugh said it best. "I want to see him fail!!"  I said it before and I'll say it again.... Barack Hussein Obama is some sort of conspiritor, traitor, double agent lunatic who knows exactly what he is doing. Furthermore, his plans to destroy this country are very effective so far, as we can plainly see. I think he is getting exactly what he originally planned for wayyy before he ran for office.  Now why would I support someone who is purposely trying to collectively and systematically "destroy" this country..and with the help of it's own people???  Of course I want this person stopped. I refuse to be politically correct on this one and pretend like he is not a conspiritor. Enough is enough.  Ladies and gentlemen, I give you.....The the flesh...just like the bible said.  Amazing the similarities.
thanked the writer.
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Anonymous commented
Nicely put lily3, and un-sugarcoated as it should be! And as far as the beginning of the end times, i believe we are well into the end times.
Anonymous commented
Yes, we are in the "end of times" right now. I even have had dreams about it, which scares me....because my dreams usually are predictive.
Andrew Lewis
Andrew Lewis commented
I agree with you Lily 3, however I would say he is the not the AC but his profit.
John Profile
John answered
NO!-Wouldn't this be a dictatorship and not a government by the people for the people....if all citizens can not be valued for and by the government then the government is not serving that said even the past presidents at some time in history of the U.S. Has had to set aside the rules of the government to sustain the U.S. At times in history  when it's own citizens decide to self destruct cause harm to the nation as a whole...
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
It's amazing that the government urges us to cut back and tighten our belts, yet they are approving $420 billion to run the government this year and part of next year. And to boot, there are over 8000 earmarks for pet projects. Nice one!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Absolutely not. Who is this masked mad man of a president who would do such a thing? Has stalins dream finally come true? Is alger hiss finally grinning from ear to ear? Actually I don't know if hiss is even still alive. If he is, boy is that commie smiling!
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
Surprised there's not a couple of the strict BO lovers weighing in on this one. That's right, I forgot, they seldom if ever jump in when they're outnumbered.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Today, I heard in the news that he is the first president to get a very bad review on his first 50 days.  I think he is telling us lies while splurging our money left and right.  We should pray for our country.
thanked the writer.
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Anonymous commented
I agree. One columnist even bravely commented that that the world is optimistic but cautious about OB.
Anonymous commented
Yes.....given the 50 days it has been in has the lowest rating in history for that time period. (I'm finding it difficult to even acknowledge it as a person anymore).
Rena Chisholm
Rena Chisholm commented
Reminds me of that old song called; Send In The Clowns.
Maybe he is just a bigger puppet on rope instead of string.
Andrew Lewis Profile
Andrew Lewis answered
You all do realize that the president has no real decision making power, here at home. The office of president allows him to keep things from happening, but does not give him the authority to set any non legislative action into place. Any presidency is basically a figurehead position, with no unilateral power. Now yes he can throw the theoretical wrench with the veto power, but if he plays that card too much, Congress will circumnavigate him by voting every bill with a 2/3 majority. If the presidents views are too revolutionary, (even if congress agrees with the direction) they will still shoot him down. No people (stop me if I am spouting info you all know) we blame the president because we can remember his name. How may people can name all 100 US Senators and all 435 Congressmen names, let alone faces. They are the true power of the government, they are the true controlling force. We should be pissed at them.

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