
What Is A Specific Death Rate?


1 Answers

Sudipa Sarkar Profile
Sudipa Sarkar answered
Specific Death Rate is the mortality rate calculated for a specific class or section of the population.

Specific Death Rate = (No. of deaths in a specific class of population during the period) / (Total no. of persons in the specific class of population at the middle of the period)

Usually death rates are made specific with respect to age and sex, although specificity with respect to race, religion, cause of death, etc. is also possible.

Age-specific death rate (Mx) at age x measures the probability that a person aged x years last birthday will die before reaching his next birthday.

Age-specific Death Rate (Mx) = Dx / Px, where Dx = Number of deaths of persons aged x years last birthday; Px = Number of persons aged x years last birthday (lbd).

Specific Death Rates are the best measure of morality. Using the above formula for age specific death rate, the crude death rate may be written as follows:

Crude Death Rate = ∑PxMx / ∑Px

Crude Death Rate may, therefore, be viewed as a weighted arithmetic mean of age-specific death rates (Mx), using the population (Px) at different ages as weights.

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