Watch TV, Blurtit, FB and text folks, while sipping Shine 🍷.
maybe order a pizza :D
I'm going to shiver in my cold house next to our portable electric heater with the rest of my immediate family haha! We might eat some good food too but we'll see!
Watch a couple of 70s movies, then the fireworks on TV, then go to bed at 12:30 on the first of January while making fun of the other half of the world who is still in 2015.
Keep chilling a little bit till the new wave of activity comes toward the goals. In this meantime, i would also prepare the details and reschedule and recheck everything to make sure things are rightly on the way for me.
Is it over already? I just woke up.
On new year's eve, I will go to join my sister's family for having meal together, as I am alone ,so they invite me to have fun with them.