Was Alexander The Great Taught By Aristotle?


2 Answers

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Steve Theunissen Profile
Yes. Alexander's father, Philip, sent for Aristotle so that the boy might receive instruction from this famous philosopher. Besides imparting his views on morals and politics, Aristotle is also thought to have taught Alexander about medicine.
It appears that Aristotle was primarily responsible for Alexander's interest in learning and reading. This interest continued with Alexander throughout his life. He would place under his pillow his dagger and the copy of Homer's Iliad that had been corrected by Aristotle. Alexander continued reading history, plays and odes. Even in matters of knowledge he sought preeminence and therefore voiced his disapproval upon learning that Aristotle had published things that had been imparted to him orally. Wrote Alexander: "You have not done well to publish your books of oral doctrine; for what is there now that we excel others in, if those things which we have been particularly instructed in be laid open to all?"

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