
What Is The Difference Between A Direct Democracy And A Representative Democracy?


7 Answers

Kathryn Wright Profile
Kathryn Wright answered

A direct democracy, is democracy in it's purest, most simplistic form. In a direct democractic system every citizen of the state has a vote on the legislation that is being proposed by the government. Direct democracy was first used in the Greek city states, but is too cumbersome, time consuming and impractical to be used as an effective method of governance in modern nation states. However, sometimes for important issues (such as Scottish independence, constitutional change and EU membership) referendums have been used in the UK to give the people a larger stake in the matter. Referendums are the only modern application of direct democracy.

Whereas in a representative democracy, rather than every citizen voting and scrutinising all the legislation in government, citizens in electoral constituencies elect a representative to carry out this role for them. The main difference is involvement, In a direct democracy the people are more invested in the running of the state than they are in a representative democracy.

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
A direct democracy is a system of govt in which citizens directly govern or rule themselves and the representative democracy is a political system where citizens apoint an accountable person to represent or govern oin their behalf.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Direct democracy is a government by the people, with the people, for the people and is thought to be pure democracy as the people have a direct say on decisions made. It was first used in Ancient Greece although some claim it was not truly direct democracy as women and slaves did not have the right to vote the Romans also adopted this system for law making. Modern era direct democracy started of in towns in Switzerland in the 13th Century. Most modern democracies do not have this system as it is seen to be over complicated. Most modern democracies have adopted Representative democracy which is a form of government founded on the principle of elected individuals representing the people. This is seen as a more practical form of democracy as the representatives are meant to make decisions which will reflect the majority of their electorate’s views although in certain cases it is believed that this does not happen. Direct Democracy avoids this issue by cutting out the ‘middle man’ so to speak and therefore it means there is less questioning about authority of a government.
Mac Welch Profile
Mac Welch answered
Democracy is a concept based on the idea that the people should be allowed to govern themselves. This idea is at the heart of the governmental policy of an array of different societies throughout the world. These societies tie this concept into the thought that people should be free to judge what is best for their society. There are different variations that exist on this concept. Direct democracy is referenced as the purest form. It calls for the people to decide on every aspect of a government's policies and laws. Any issue that arises must be voted on by the people of that particular society. This can prove to be difficult due to the time and attendance constraints. Governments have found problems in attempting to find the time to address all issues brought before it in this type of democracy. Also, the task of ensuring suitable attendance of the public for a fair and complete vote is extremely daunting. Another form of democracy that many governments have implemented is representative democracy. This form of democracy institutes a system where representatives are elected by the people. These representatives are called upon to represent the interests of their constituents in the voting process for various day to day issues and policies that come up to be decided on. This form saves a lot of time in the process and eases the constraints brought about by the absence of particular constituents. However, one of the major problems of this form of democracy is that representatives may not always be in touch with the interests of the people that he or she represents. This can bring about a situation where the people's interests are not being served at times in this process. The way that a government is run has a big influence on the people of that society and can create major differences with other societies. However, one thing that holds true for all societies is that as people continue to work towards shaping the society that they are a part of, the way that their government is run will continuously be in a process of development.
Dan Banks Profile
Dan Banks answered
A direct democracy, is democracy in it's purest, most simplistic form. In a direct democractic system every citizen of the state has a vote on the legislation that is being proposed by the government. Direct democracy was first used in the Greek city states, but is too cumbersome, time consuming and impractical to be used as an effective method of governance in modern nation states. However, sometimes for important issues (such as Scottish independence, constitutional change and EU membership) referendums have been used in the UK to give the people a larger stake in the matter. Referendums are the only modern application of direct democracy.

  Whereas in a representative democracy, rather than every citizen voting and scrutinising all the legislation in government, citizens in electoral constituencies elect a representative to carry out this role for them. The main difference is involvement, In a direct democracy the people are more invested in the running of the state than they are in a representative democracy.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
A dırect democracy usually refers to cıtızens makıng polıcy and law decısıons ın person wıthout goıng through represent atıve and legıslature whıle represent atıve democracy ıs when you actually have someone who represents the majorıty
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
A gullible or non-thinking electorate.  Level of education is irrelevant.

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