What Does Draconian Politics Mean?


1 Answers

Trish McCartney Profile
Trish McCartney answered
Draconian politics - or indeed the term "draconian" - is present in modern political parlance. It is used to negatively describe legislation, or indeed any action of a government.

What is draconian politics, and what does it mean?

  • Draconian politics means: Any action or legislation by a government which curtails, or threatens to curtail freedom and liberty, or any legislation or action which seems overly harsh or oppressive.
We get the term "draconian" from ancient Greece. Draco was a Greek politician who was the first true legislator of Athens - one of the Greek city states.

Before Draco's time, Athens had been governed either by blood feuds (vendettas or retaliatory violence) or by oral laws. There was no actual legislature in place.

Draco introduced written legislature which could be upheld by the state.

The laws that he introduced were extremely harsh on the citizens of Athens, as almost any offence could carry the death penalty. He also banned a multitude of personal freedoms.

That is why any bill that curtails the freedom and liberty of the individual can be described as "draconian".

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