I'm a spiritual guy, you see.
I don't really look into different websites and I really don't take heed to other peoples opinions about a particular decision as their problems and family issues don't mirror mine. For instance, why listen to Joe Blow tell me to vote for McCain when he has a different spiritual viewpoint, different financial status and different family values than myself.
I am the type of person that rely's on God for all my major decisions. This is how I have done so well ...by listening to God.
I do appreciate you trying to enlighten me on what you believe may be true but I look at this election from a spiritual point of view.
If I spoke from my mind, I would tell you that both of them, Obama and McCain, are full of crap. Neither one of them has a solid plan to rescue the country from financial peril, to control terrorism or any other major decision our country faces. Needless to say that I don't believe the President actually runs the country anyways. I believe there are higher powers than our government that make decisions ....case in point...don't rely on this government.....rely on your own instinct..and prayer response.
This government will let you down... Cant people see that! This election means nothing! The New World Order is being put into place...step by step.... while we're focused on a "figurehead" president....they're planning the next 20 moves!
So, to answer your question...it really doesn't matter anyways....I think Obama is gonna win anyways no matter what people say or do or whether he's the friend of a terrorist or the Antichrist. The key to it all is....get closer to God...the world is coming to an end anyways....I just want to be ready....don't you?