It depends which christ you are talking about if you look at the muslim and jewish religion he seems to be neither because all they have are descriptions of him and it is wrong to draw the face of a prophet in both there religions, but if you look at christianity's christ where jesus was supposedly white because god performed acts of adultery upon marry his own creation when he could've just given her a baby without sex since he is god and god has infinite power then yeah (although now more and more people are starting to believe that the white jesus is a fake and that christianity is too)
There is no anti Christ't. Please do not think I think any less of you because I don't agree with you. But I just can not believe in an anti does not make any rational sense to me I am truly sorry.
No but he does his commands and he is a zionist illuminati...
Probably not. I won't retype my whole synopsis now, but you can review my take on Jesus14199's similar question posted on May 22, 2009.
Well this looks familiar. Fortunately I do not "believe" in this, but I am happy as a pig in s*hit my seed was planted. Hahaha.
It might be true it might not so if u want to find out watch the history Channel on tv or visit their website at www.history or i think it is that. :) :) :) :)