For my family, its pretty much a regular day. Don't think we have ever had any kind of tradition.
We don't always do the same thing on New Year's Eve. Some years we've gone to a movie. Some years we've gotten together with friends and sometimes we just stay home and have a quiet evening.
The only "traditions" I have, are these:
1. Stay home
2. Go to bed early
Each New Year is just another opportunity to increase my age by 1 year.
1. Stay home
2. Go to bed early
Each New Year is just another opportunity to increase my age by 1 year.
This year I must make a new tradition. I usually go to the Champs-Elysees around 8:30 or 9 PM with friends, family and champagne. From there, we are able to see the Fireworks from the Eiffel Tower. Lots of partying on the streets and I will miss having papillottes.
They are wonderful chocolates that pop like firecrackers when you tear off the wrappers. They also have little saying on white paper that surround the candy. Now that I am in NY, Maybe i will go to Times Square to see the New Year in.
Bonne Annee everyone! (In case I don't get another chance to wish you one.)
Bonne Annee everyone! (In case I don't get another chance to wish you one.)
We eat noodle, which is the metaphor of long life :)
A small tradition is a gift to loved ones to start the new year.Opening the bottle of champagne.This year, it looks like I'll be spending it alone.So many things look promising for the New Year, if I don't end up on a Salvation Army cot.I like Dick Clark, champagne and prayers of thanks for previous years and the New Year.I'm not thinking it will be lonely, as it will be "thinking and meditating."
We don't have a tradition for New Year's Eve outside of a glass of champagne. We have had parties a couple of years and some years we don't even stay up until midnight. This year I think we might rent some movies.
An early night! I'm still burnt out from all the others. LOL!
I'm afraid, nothing very exciting. .just stay in and watch whatever's on telly. If i'm lucky I might get a shot on the Xbox. . It's fun for the kiddies though, seeing them so excited is good.
Hogmanay is the real event in Scotland :-)
Hogmanay is the real event in Scotland :-)
In Mumbai, India, New year's Eve is usually a very noisy affair. Most people gather at the Harbour to see the ships in anchorage all lit up in festive colours. There's a lot of toy-bugle blowing, and eating from street vendors -- yes, even oldies like myself and older indulge in these things if the mood takes us. Then at the stroke of midnight the ships blow their horns simultaneously, people burst crackers, there are fireworks in the sky, and every body wishes everyone else, strangers particularly, a Happy New Year. Restaurants and clubs celebrate in the usual way, and youngsters in passing cars scream Happy New year to pedestrians, who reciprocate with equal gusto. Communal differences are buried at least for that one night, and there's a lot of camaraderie as well as bonhomie amongst the populace.
We used to indulge a lot in these festivities when we were younger. But now it's come to watching the late night movie, a kiss and a cuddle [perhaps :-)], and whatever else that follows as the mood takes us... ;-) Let's see what happens this year, shall we?
We used to indulge a lot in these festivities when we were younger. But now it's come to watching the late night movie, a kiss and a cuddle [perhaps :-)], and whatever else that follows as the mood takes us... ;-) Let's see what happens this year, shall we?