
How Did The Holocaust Start?


17 Answers

Selie Visa Profile
Selie Visa answered
The Holocaust, derived from the Greek holokauston--- a translation of the Hebrew word 'olah, meaning a burnt sacrifice offered whole to God, was the systematic state-sponsored killing of six  million Jewish men, women, and children and millions of others by Nazi Germany and its collaborators during World War II. Even before the Nazis came to power in Germany in 1933, they had made no secret of their anti-Semitism. Nazi anti-Semitism was rooted in religious anti-Semitism and enhanced by political anti-Semitism. While Jews were the primary victims of Nazism as it evolved and were central to Nazi racial ideology, other groups were victimized as well-some for what they did, some for what they refused to do, and some for what they were.

The Germans killed victims from several groups, but the Jews were targeted for total annihilation, and their elimination was central to Hitler's vision of the "New Germany."
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The holocaust began because hitler claimed it was the Jews fault for the Nazis defeat in wwii.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
And if you don't like reading, watch Schindlers List. While it is one man's account, it's really true to life and shows you the horrors of living during that time.
Jim Witness Protection Profile
Books have been written on this and you want an answer in one paragraph? O.K. Germany was in a deep economic depression. A lot of political discontent. Many of the shop/small business owners were Jewish, i.e., they had money and were surviving. So Hitler planted the seed that the Jews were the cause of not having food on the table. And the Jewish population kept themselves segregated from the rest of the Germans, which made it easier to point his finger at them. So that is how he began his rise to power, using a scapegoat for the countries problems. Plus, most of the Jews allegiance was to their religion first, and the country of Germany second. In short, they were easy targets. As Hitler grew more powerful, his insanity compounded tenfold into the war years.Study history - he didn't just kill Jews. He killed millions of Poles, Russians, and other national groups in his conquering of Europe. The sad thing is that the free world knew about this an did nothing - it was just "european politics". You will find tons to read on this subject.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Hitler is a prick!!!!!
wilbert u can call me sue Profile
The holocaust began by using fear and envy by Hitler to persecute the jews.  There are still holocausts happening today, but different religions or races against one another, trying to eliminate them
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Hitler hot syphilis from a Jewish prostitute which set him off and that disease like makes you mad!!!like crazy mad!!!!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Hitler wanted to get rid of all the jews,gypsies,homosexuals and all the people he hated a disliked.By doing that he put them in concentration camps and forced them to work then they would kill them.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Hitler wanted to take of the world so he became the leader of germany so he could rule them and slow become the ruler of the world
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Hitler wanted the Ayran(blue eyes and blonde hair germans)  in Germany, Anyone that was not Hitler wanted to get them out of his country.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The holocaust happened due to many reasons. The main reasons are the hatred of Jews by Hitler and the conditions most Germans were in. As Germans’ one and only leader, not many dared to challenge him or his decisions.

The “final solution” may have been only a matter of timing before it happened as the hatred of Jews festered Hitler’s mind. Now that Germany has conquered most of
Europe, he wanted to carry out the final solution. Hitler seems unstoppable with his power and resources. In Germany, Hitler had slowly washed people’s brains with propaganda and his speeches, claiming or blaming the Jews for literally all the negative things in the world, like the first world war. Remembering that after the first world war, the Germans were defeated badly and they would willingly accept that the Jews were to blame. Many “Aryans” in those times were leaning towards the anti-Semitic. They also couldn’t really afford to complain as they most probably have seen the power and ruthlessness that Hitler held.

The Nazis were operating on a heavily anti Semitic policy as they (Hitler) slowly made the laws. The laws against the Jews started mildly but turned harsher and faster forcing the Jews into a corner, literally in to the ghettos
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Adolph Hitler became Chancellor under President von Hindenburg in 1933. He then began killing Jews, Gypsies, and mentally retarded people. Von Hindenburg died, and Hitler became president. He ordered THE FINAL SOLUTION which ordered the mass killing of Jews, and other groups of people for "not being part of the pure Aryan race".
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Hiltlers grandad was a jew and he cheated on his grandma so he got angry and turned into some next prostitute and got a std and when INSANE and he only had 1 ball the other was in the albert hall and his mother was a dirty whore !!
So he wanted to take over the WORLD !1
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The holocaust began with the presidential being of adolf Hitler. When he became president right after president Von hindenburg died in the 1940's . Hitler became a threat to jews ,Gypsies and the mentally challenged but he did not stop there. People asked one of his guards " were you even capable of killing Hitler?"
"hitler was sournded but at the same time hitler could have been killed but wasnt, because people were so afraid and the didnt have that musch of a vendetta"
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Many many years ago, I banged hitler. It felt so good that since I had blue eyes and blue hair he only wanted those people in his country. ( he was a prostitute).

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