I've never heard of that. I've given out goodie bags at my kids parties though, when they were very young.
Having a mature discuss need some opinions. Is it customary to hand out "gift / goodies" bags to guests at an adult birthday party?
I have seen that done at wedding and more formal events but not at a casual birthday party.
I've never done so, but I guess if you want to, there's no hard and fast rule against it. What do you think about it?
No, can't say I've ever been to or had a birthday party where goodie bags have been given.
After looking on the internet, people are doing so. I was very surprised.
If I was doing an intimate dinner/birthday party, than no I wouldn't. If I was having a birthday party that included many friends, than I would.
I attended a birthday party recently where the hostess gave out little boxes of M&M's that had her picture printed on each M&M. It was cute. There are plenty of ideas for little adult gifts on the internet and Pinterest.