I have a dilemma including friends and my birthday party, i'll explain below?


2 Answers

Rooster Cogburn Profile
Rooster Cogburn , Rooster Cogburn, answered

I think I would go ahead and invite them and not worry about it. It will be awkward for a time but it might also be good for the three of you. Inviting them will show them that you have no hard feelings and you've moved on. I think that's the right thing to do to keep the peace. They might not show up but but it won't hurt to invite them. Just shows that you're the better person. Just smile and have a good time.

Sophia Tortilla Profile
Sophia Tortilla answered

So my ex and his girlfriend (my old bff) and their friends aren't my enemies, but i'm definitely not their closest friend as we've grown apart lately because of my ex and i. But i don't know if i should invite them to my party or not because it'll be awkward since we're not super close but if i don't invite them it'll start a fight and i will seem mean... They will inevitably find out so what should i do

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