After repeatedly proclaiming Barack Obama "the founder of ISIS", has Donald Trump at last lost all semblance of credibility? Or humanity? Your thoughts:


12 Answers

Call me Z Profile
Call me Z answered

Look, I can't place the sash of Miss Electability on Hillary Clinton -breaker of 113 federal laws- she should be on trial; but Trump is mad, mad in the medieval sense, even the Caligula sense. You simply don't say things like this to intelligent people.

Darik Majoren Profile
Darik Majoren answered

Trump is about the "Show" and rarely about actually being president.

If I was a "Betting man" . . I would say he is trying to get Hillary into office by being overly self destructive . . . And the mindless minions and lemmings follow blindly.

Jann Nikka Profile
Jann Nikka answered

He lost everything, including credibility with me 14 months ago when he first open his diarrhea 😲mouth.

Didge Doo Profile
Didge Doo answered

Lost it? Nay, lad (as Andy Dalziel would have put it) he had nowt to begin with -- as even Republican voters know, else why don't they rush to defend him when gaffe follows inanity?

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Call me Z
Call me Z commented
Amen. Even the Party is scrambling to save the rest of the ticket from direct association.
Didge Doo
Didge Doo commented
It was a very long fall, Walter. Over the years there have been a few bad presidential choices on both sides but nothing has come this low before.
Cindy  Lou Profile
Cindy Lou answered

He's freakin insane.

He's a poster child for Narcissistic Personality Disorder

And he doesn't bother to even read to gain any semblance of what's going on in the world and he never did. He lives in a bubble. He knows so little it's frightening.

He's also frightening in his total lack of curiosity about how the world works - and we live in a complex world - and it's getting more complex daily. 

Putting into office an impulsive, non-curious, megalomaniac with severe narcissistic personality disorder, is not the remedy.

I can't stress enough the mess we will be in if he gets elected.

I don't know what else to say. I don't know how someone so stupid got to where he is today except through scare tactics--- and leaders like Putin won't tolerate it. That guy's bad ass  and he won't even think twice about putting Trump, therefore the USA, in a headlock.

I am really worried for our country...

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Call me Z
Call me Z commented
Very well said. What comment does this make that the GOP couldn't squeeze out someone to beat this guy.
Cindy  Lou
Cindy Lou commented
@Z-I don't understand what happened. I think at first they thought he was different and funny and the people egged him on to continue, and before we knew it, it was all irreversible. The line was crossed when no one was looking and he grabbed the reins and ran with it and now everyone is thinking "okay this isn't funny anymore." Something needs to be done but I don't know enough about politics to offer a solution except for what's going on now with the GOP refusal to support him as each day passes.
There's no telling what illegal things he's done to get this far and the threats he's made.
Cindy  Lou
Cindy Lou commented
@dodgy- thank you :) That was the nice version of how I feel about that lunatic.
Matt Radiance Profile
Matt Radiance answered

He lost it from the start.

What he represented from the start is disrespect, racism, sexism, hatred, ignorant behavior and narcissistic attitude. Fear and stress creation. Selfishness and weakness on leading.

He has no political humor, he nearly exposed many national concerns that should've stayed buried only in his candidate debates. Imagine what would happen in an international debate middle of a crisis.

When you look back, it's pretty obvious the only point he took advantage of is people's fear. People scared and yet scare. People are unsure of their securities and there were local and international issues. He used those issues to address on his ideologies and talked through what people was fearing about. When the topic was too hot he started to go within American's emotions with banning and wall ideologies. And he started to talk against some certain people, he also used this technique to bring out behind the scene ups and downs in front of camera just show himself honest and innocent. As his supporters refer him speaker of the truth.

Donald Trump has three type of supporters.

1.Racism & Sexism people by nature.

2.Those who are against current presidency and anyone near it.

3.Those who feels content but they think he can help only because he is a rich business man.

Hillary Clinton is an angel in compare of Donald Trump.

Ancient One Profile
Ancient One answered

At this point in time I am more concerned about the aftermath. What is going to happen after the election. Regardless who wins I believe it will be a "legal circus" for months if not years to come.  If we are fortunate and it is possible, we would have a new election with new candidates who make sense and face the issues. I don't see an alternative at this point in time..

Retiredkop Retiredkop Profile

Well, quite frankly, they both scare me!  The cop part of me won't vote for a multi time felon!  The business and personal side of me says that the pompass, person with no mouth filter will get us in a heap of trouble in a heart beat. 

I won't be sure if I'll vote until I get my ballot, I might just write in Micky Mouse.  Sometimes a fictional character is no better than a character that is full of fiction!

Arthur Wright Profile
Arthur Wright , Florida Paralegal with a BS degree in Social-Psychology, answered

Trump is totally correct here in that Obama is a co founder of ISIS along with Hilliary, George Soros and the NWO and even ISIS itself has admitted this and that Obama still funds and equips them  so at least Trump has always told the truth

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Didge Doo
Didge Doo commented
You can't make outrageous statements like that and expect to walk away unscathed. For your information even Trump is now trying to back away from this nonsense. If not perpetuating a lie you have certainly exposed your gullibility.

Trump backs down on yet another outrageous claim./a>
Call me Z
Call me Z commented
I don't see anyone accusing you of being a liar, Arthur, only shining a light on your judgement of what is clearly faulty hyperbole by one who himself is now disowning it; though the conviction with which he originally repeated the statement belie his retraction.
Tom  Jackson
Tom Jackson commented
I don't want to "pile on," but I feel compelled to at least lean on a bit.

From a theoretical point of view, while a case MIGHT be made for your statement; at the moment, it has to be categorized as an opinion. (Much like the existence or non-existence of a god.)

And since Trump is reinterpreting what he actually meant by that statement, how can you possibly maintain that " least Trump has always told the truth."

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