Trump or Clinton?


20 Answers

Jann Nikka Profile
Jann Nikka answered

Because you gave a choice I'll pick according to your question.

Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Darik Majoren Profile
Darik Majoren answered

Neither, and Trump is there to ensure Clinton gets elected . . .

Toxic Hairball Profile
Toxic Hairball answered

Jill Stein.  Check her out

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Rooster Cogburn
Rooster Cogburn commented
She's one of the Independents that I have been researching.
KB Baldwin
KB Baldwin commented
A bit too ignorant for me - anti-vaxxer for one. If she wants to be anti-science, she should join the GOP.
Toxic Hairball
Toxic Hairball commented
Given the existing "choices", Stein may be less objectionable than the 2 being forced down our throats. Ignorance will come in some measure with all of them.
Tina Privitera Profile
Tina Privitera answered

I'm feelin' the Bern, actually. (I can still dream, right?) Between the two in the question, I'd say Clinton because Trump is an a-hole. :)

Corey The Goofyhawk Profile
Corey The Goofyhawk , Epic has no limit, answered

I'm voting for Donald Trump. I'm Corey The Goofyhawk and I approve this message.

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Corey The Goofyhawk
Wanna be my vice presidential candidate? We'll make America "awesome" again lol. :D
Matt Radiance
Matt Radiance commented
I'll vote you myself and i'll help you with the commercial success! but so appoint me as your adviser, chief of staff or speech writer as i'm good at too! you would be better than these two and i don't need research on this either!
Awesome  Autumn
Awesome Autumn commented
Let's do it Corey! ;D
PJ Stein Profile
PJ Stein answered

Neither. I am going with a candidate that doesn't have a scandal for everyone to bicker about. Gary Johnson.

Matt Radiance Profile
Matt Radiance answered

I'd have to go for Clinton!

About other parties! They must register officially enough to be recognized politically and so socially. The most official and represented parties are Democrats and Republicans therefore this is what we've got for now.

Woof Woofy Profile
Woof Woofy answered

i wouldn't vote at all if i were in the states. I don't even vote for anything in Canada.. Im very politically neutral.

Tom  Jackson Profile
Tom Jackson answered

Two major candidates---

One has an isolated malignant tumor on her arm and can be effectively minimized by the balance of power already built into our system of government.

The other also has a malignant tumor, but it appears to me that it has taken over his brain and is rapidly spreading....and so far,  no Republican oncologist has been able to treat it successfully. (And in any case, I would personally consider his prognosis to be "poor.")

While it is tempting to look into the other party candidates, given the Ballot access and percentage of votes obtained by them in the 2012 election, none of them can be considered electable candidates in 2016---and I am disinclined to choose this year to choose to waste a vote by making it essentially a "protest" vote, especially given the current electoral system and the 12th amendment to our Constitution.

So my choice---Hilary Clinton

(Ballot access and percentage of votes obtained by them in the 2012 election:,_2012#Third_party_and_other_nominations  )

mary adam Profile
mary adam answered

I don't know, both appear to have a very dodgy CV. 

I read somewhere that in 2012 in Texas, Jesus Christ got more votes than Hillary Clinton.  I also read that Mickey Mouse is voted for in every election even though he isn't on the ballot, Donald duck a close second.

I wonder who would win the presidency if it was between Donald Duck and Mickey Mouse?

KB Baldwin Profile
KB Baldwin answered

While HRC would not be my first choice - I'd prefer a Warren or Sanders, in all fairness I think HRC is getting a bum rap.  She is a bit too right-of-center and cozy with the big money people for my taste.  However, in her defense, she has been the victim of a relentless campaign of character assassination for 25 years.  How many "investigations" has the GOP instigated over the years?  How many unfounded rumors have they pushed thru their mouthpieces on hate radio?  Goebbels said “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it"  Joseph Goebbels would be proud to be as member of the GOP.                          '. 

Pepper pot Profile
Pepper pot answered

I'm watching them now, Trump is for Prolife and Hiliary is for women's choice.

Trump is for keeping the second ammendment as it is.

Clinton wants to put limitations on it.

Trump wants to make the Constitution as it was when it was written. This is interesting because the founding Fathers said they always wanted their money backed by gold or silver, unlike now which makes it an IOU.

Do you think it will include this? Will you be able to go into a bank and ask for gold in exchange for your money? I can't see it, be a good question to ask him though.

They both have despicable histories from what I've read. If I lived in America I'd go for an independent because these two are really bad choices that American citizens have been given.  Very left and right wing, which is also something the founding fathers were against.

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Pepper pot
Pepper pot commented
I use to think the same as you Tom, that as a workng class citizen, if I didn't vote Labour then Conservative would get in, (here that means the rich not paying their share and privatisation of pubic services). The problem with that is having to deny the abominable behaviour from Labour leaders like Tony Blair, who got us into the war in Iraq even when there were no "weapons of mass destruction, " and as a result a country was left with no leadership and fell into chaos, and Gordon Brown who signed the Lisbon treaty without a referendum, since then they have sold off even more of Britain. So to me they are really no better. When I get a vote that means the responsibility for who runs our country is given back to the people, why on earth would I then put our country in the hands of people who are dishonest, money grabbing and who have destroyed what was once Great Britain? So I now vote diffently because in order to create change you have to upset the established order.
Pepper pot
Pepper pot commented
"Public" services not pubic, although that would be interesting.
Pepper pot
Pepper pot commented
I was thinking that your independent votes don't count for anything though if Trump or Clinton win in the overall election. Where with us an independent can win seats in Parliament and have a say. I suppose you can only upset the established order on a local election.
Bring back Direct Democracy.

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