Did Sir Robert The Bruce Really Defeat King Longshanks Of England Because Of William Wallace?


3 Answers

Aun Jafery Profile
Aun Jafery answered
There were a number of reasons why he finally managed to defeat King Longshanks and one of them was the torture and death of William Wallace. The movie Braveheart starring Mel Gibson would have you believe that this was the only reason but this is not the only reason. An old English poem where King Bruce is resting in a cave and takes lessons from a spider and its perseverance in building its nest is a strong reminder of this fact. The poem was called "King Bruce and the Spider" and the lesson the King takes away with him is try, try, till you succeed.

The betrayal, capture, torture and execution of William Wallace did actually in a way angered the Scottish clans and helped unite them in facing their common enemy.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

Robert the Bruce defeated the Engish army of King Edward 11, (called Softsword), at Bannockburn in 1314. (The Scots still sing about it!)  Edward's father, King Edward 1 was known as 'Longshanks' because of his height, he was 6ft3, he was also known as 'The Hammer of the Scots'.

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