Later in the march of 1945 a typhus epidemic broke out in the camp which killed around 17,000 prisoners, Margot was one of the prisoners who passed away in this typhus wave…a few days later even Anne Frank Succumbed to the disease and passed away.
Later in the march of 1945 a typhus epidemic broke out in the camp which killed around 17,000 prisoners, Margot was one of the prisoners who passed away in this typhus wave…a few days later even Anne Frank Succumbed to the disease and passed away.

Anne Frank is known in the world because of her diary. She was born in Frankfurt, Germany in 1922 and her father Otto Frank was a respected businessman. In 1933 fearing persecution of the Jews, he left Germany for Holland and started his food products business there.
They settled in Amsterdam and there Anne went to the Montessori School. In September 1939 Germany declared was and it reached Holland in 1940. In 1942 when her elder sister was called for deportation they went into hiding in her father's top and back office. In the secret rooms life was difficult as they had another family with them. Due to hiding they were allowed to move at night only, they could not go out and lived in close quarters. During this time Anne wrote her diary.
They were discovered by the Gestapo in 1944 after living in their hiding place for two years. They were all sent to concentration camps in Auschwitz, Poland. On reaching there the men were separated from the women and that was the last time her father saw Anne. Anne and her sister Margot were moved to the Bergen-Belsen camp and her mother died at the Auschwitz camp.
The Belsen camp was ill organized and lacked food and water. Typhus was raging all around and children were starving. Anne died in late March 1945 due to typhus, a few days after her elder sister. She was not even sixteen.
If you read her book/diary, calle 'Anne Frank: Diary of a Young Girl', you will learn about her life in hiding and being caught and so forth. It is really interesting, her life.
It was also sad for me to learn that the Frank Family and The Vaan dans who they were in hiding with heard announced on the radio that Germany had lost the war- they thought they had made it- if only
Even tho Anne disliked her mother they kept close by each others side SCARED and HUNGRY and then the GASSES came in
I'm not sure about which order they all died in but it was a very sad part in peoples life's