
What Happened After The Death Of President Hindenburg Of Germany?


5 Answers

Richard Marsden Profile
Richard Marsden answered
Only weeks after the Night of the Long Knives, 87-year-old President Hindenburg died. This meant that Adolf Hitler combined the titles President and Hitler, to call himself 'Fuhrer and Reich Chancellor'. On the same day, 2 August 1934, every soldier in the German army swore an oath to the new dictator. It read: "I will give unconditional obedience to Adolf Hitler, the Fuhrer of the German nation and people...." In taking the oath, soldiers with guns were the only people who still had the power to oppose Hitler, but they had sworn total obedience to him. Thus, 18 months after becoming chancellor, Hitler had total power over Germany
The SS, initially set up in 1925 as an elite group, took control of the 3rd Reich. Led by Himmler, it made up the new aristocracy of Germany. The top regiments in the army were the 'Wafen SS'. Provincial governors were SS members. The most promising members of the Hitler Youth were upgraded to the SS. Under the Gauleiter, there was a long chain of Nazi officials, right down to street level to make sure that Nazis had full control of the county and its people.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
After the death of Hindenburg, Hitler was able to claim titles of being president. Hitler called himself a Fuhrer. He declared himself fuhrer and after his he had control of the army, they swore to Hitler to go by his commands and only to be commanded by Hitler. Hitler now had all of the control which he needed. Hitler had total power now over Germany in just 18 months after being under estimated big time. Hitler had got in through the door and taken 6 steps to his rise to full power of Germany, with Hindenburg gone he was the only person who could claim to be president. Hitler had got in legally and had come through 'the back door'.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
He was 87 at the time and died od bedridden sickness. Hitler then called himself fuhrer afterwards combining Hitler ad president. Grmany was the ruled by dictatorship.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The Hindenburg air ship was made.

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