
What Other Historical Events Happened In Florida Other Than The Revolution War?


5 Answers

Robert Schatten Profile
Robert Schatten answered
The history of Florida can be traced back over nearly 14,000 years to when Native Americans first settled in the peninsula. The first recorded history of Florida was in 1513 when Spanish explorer Juan Ponce de Leon first explored the area. As the fourth most populous state in the United States, Florida has a large background of historical events that have helped establish and expand the state since the Revolutionary War.

One of the most significant and infamous events in Florida after the Reconstruction era of the United States was the passing of the Jim Crow legislation. Conservative white Democrats were striving for political power before finally regaining it in 1877. The white paramilitary groups targeting freedmen and the allies to discourage them from voting and carried out a number of violent actions to get the Democrats into power. After regaining power, between 1885 and 1889, the white-dominated state passed statutes to stop blacks and poor whites from being able to vote to enable Florida to become a one-party state. By 1900, over 44 per cent of the population of Florida was African Americans but the white Democrats still processed to pass the Jim Crow legislation to establish racial segregation in public facilities and transportation. Since the 1900s, Florida has seen a change as 40,000 African-Americans migrated from Florida to escape the racial segregation.

The boom of the 20s brought investors from all over the country to Florida to buy up the land to create new communities, building projects and railroads. But as the market began to run out of buyers by 1925, the bubble burst and the real estate market was crushed further by the 1926 Miami Hurricane. The land boom caused the economy is Florida to decline rapidly and the Great Depression furthered these problems.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The seminole war. Your welcome
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Uhm hello  space mission ring a bell nasa one small step for man one giant step for man kind du-rh da du-rh ! :)

by luv you not really I don't know you lolz bye :)

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